Courses (Tbilisi)


Open days
at my Creative Hub



Come to have a joyful and energizing experience

at a nice and quiet place, a bit outside of Tbilisi city centre.

I am German-Italian 🙂.
I am an author, trainer, TEDx speaker and stone artist.


Each Saturday, from July 27th to August 24th
there will be “OPEN DAY” at my Creative Hub in Tbilisi/Ponichala


It’s summer time 🙂 – come to relax for a while,
surrounded by the vibes of worldwide experience and of new stone-art,
a lovely place that I exclusively designed for future workshops, courses and talks
about creative living, joyful ageing and spiritual growing.

I will present all these activities on each Open Day.

The presentation will be from 11am to 1pm.
A free drink will be offered,
if you register for the presentation.

So be among the first ones to register and to secure your place as the space is limited.

Besides that, you can come from 1pm to 5 pm at any of the five Saturdays.
The Open Days are free.



Who am I?

As an international consultant and advisor for development work I have been travelling around the world – Africa, Asia, South-America… – for more than 30 years.
You will find the traces of this international experience in any angle of my creative hub 🙂.



As an author, I have published several books. One of my books has been translated to Georgian.
In a TEDx talk in Tbilisi in 2019 I presented some of my books, particularly about dynamic ageing and creative living (see video). 


My latest book (still only in German language) is based on photos that I have taken all over the world and on drawings that should stimulate deeper reflection and enhance creativity. This is  another part of my creative life.



What else about me?

As a stone artist, I follow my longstanding passion for semi-precious stones. I have a big collection of stones that I picked or that I brought from various places of the world and a collection of sculptures on semi-precious stones.


My passion for semi-precious stones is linked to the positive energetic vibes that stones do have. It is not only about your zodiac sign as many people believe – the energetic power of precious and semi-precious stones goes further…          


My passion for stones led me long time ago to start with stone art.


Now, living here in Georgia,
I have been inspired to do something completely new: I offer personalized stone art.



My personalized stone art for YOU

 What means: „I personalize art“?

It simply means that you can ORDER a picture with stones
according to what you love, to what you need, to what you want – and for whom you want it.


You can order with me any type of picture for any purpose,
be it for the birthday of a good friend, for wedding or for recovering of some relative,
be it to wish good luck or to say: I love you,
be it with a name on it or with energizing words.


You can tell me what you like, you can choose colors and if you are knowledgeable about stones,
you can also tell me which stones to use.
If you don’t know about the virtues of stones, I can recommend you, which stone could be good for the purpose that you need.

                                Exceptionally, I can also do a picture without stones… 😉  

💐💐💐 Come and see yourself all of it on the Open Day,
there you can acquire some if you want or you can order YOUR picture. 💐💐💐

 Remember: Any picture will be UNIQUE.




How to reach my CREATIVE HUB

My Creative Hub is an exclusive Place for a unique experience

It’s a lovely place that I created for workshops, courses, meetings and my art.
It is easy to reach at Rustavis Highway but at a calm place on the backside, surrounded by trees.

At my Creative Hub you will be at a place where the vibes of international work, of books, art and precious stones surround you.


The address is: Rustavi Highway 34 (kvemo Ponichala).
There is a big bus station where flowers are sold. The entrance to my house is on the backside.



There is space for parking and if you are coming by public transport from Tbilisi, you have direct connections to this address (the bus station is in front of the house): Bus 101 (Varketilis IV), 102 Baratishvili, 245 (Vake Bagebi), 246 (Hualing Tbilisi).
From Tbilisi or Rustavi, any Marshutka will take you there (make it stop at the third traffic light while coming from Tbilisi or at the bus station after the petrol station while coming from Rustavi).
By Marshutka it’s just 15-20 minutes from Tbilisi center (by big bus a bit more) or from Rustavi.


Please register for the Open Day

Each Open Day will start with an opening at 11am where I present my activities and where a refreshment is offered.
I would be happy to welcome you on the opening.
If you want to come to the opening, then please register as the space is limited.

If you only want to come to see the place and the art, then you are free to come at any time between 1pm and 5pm
at any of the five Open Days. It is free.

Contact:, Tel.: 599 944 403,
WhatsApp: +49 170 2710591


Privacy policy for the registration of the course

Use of your data from this form. The personal data that you provide to me as part of this registration will only be used for processing your registration and participation. It will not be passed on to third parties. Your data will be deleted once the contract has been completed.

You have the right to revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. In this case, your personal data will be deleted immediately. Your personal data will be deleted if you revoke your consent to storage. This also happens if the storage is not permitted for other legal reasons. You can obtain information about the data stored about you at any time.

Detailed information on data protection and the handling of personal data can be found in the general privacy policy of my website.

Note on registration

Please register if you want to come to one of the openings as the number of places is limited.

Please, scroll down in the first field of the form and you will see the five possible dates of the Open Days, from 27th of July until 24th of August.
Then choose the date that is convenient for you.

On each date, the opening will start at 11am where I present my activities and where a refreshment is offered.

After having filled the form and sent it, you will receive the confirmation of the registration.

If there have been too many registrations for the day that you have chosen, I will contact you by a personal mail.